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Hello Sierra
I hope you are enjoying your time here and finding the site helpful.
Welcome to Sissy Island
I hope you are enjoying your time here and finding the site helpful.
lucy xx
welcome to Sissy Island. Enjoy the website.
Hello sweetie,
Today there are numerous choices for hair removal it tends to be extremely hard to choose what’s suitable for every individual.
Let’s start with the easiest option shaving. easy and cheap but it is not permanent your hair will grow back quickly.
Hair removal creams. These work very fast and you will feel smooth. Your hair will grow back quite quickly.
Waxing. can be done home or by an expert. not expensive, you will feel smooth for 4 or 6 weeks but it can be painful
Laser and IPL. The best solution for me. This is the most permanent option and the most expensive. but the results are stunning. It is normally done as 6 application process at the end of the 6 sessions you will be mostly hair free for life. It could take a few maintenance appointments a year to get rid of any regrown hairs
Lucy xoxo
Welcome Katia
I hope you find what you are looking for in Sissy Island.